Monday, December 19, 2011

"You Heard Me and I Left the Appointment with HOPE"~A Primary Care Doc Shares A Story of Grace~The Holiday Happiness Marathon Continues!!

Welcome & Thank You To All My Guest Bloggers--Doctors, Nurses & Patients whose stories warm our hearts....Here is Another Story From A Doc!

A Reminder That What I Do As A Doctor Is By Grace and Not of My Own Power.
~Dr. O, Family Medicine & Psychiatry~
Pittsburgh, PA

I have many stories of special experiences I shared with patients, but the most recent was a lady who came to the clinic that had not been seen by a doctor in about 6 months. She had significant substance abuse and mental health history and felt no one believed her when she described her physical health symptoms so she had stopped seeing her previous doctor. 

She was anxious, tearful, and certain she was going to die. I listened to her concerns and her daughter who accompanied her to the visit. When they left the office I had written her 3 new prescriptions and ordered lab work to treat the most concerning issues she described. 

 Two weeks later she returned, unaccompanied, for her follow-up visit to review her labs and to see how she was tolerating the new medications. When I walked into the room she hugged me and began to cry. She then said, "If I would not have come to see you that day I would not be sitting here right now. You heard me and I left the appointment with hope." 

 All of the aches and pains from the previous visit had improved to the point she was demonstrating stretches she could now do. She also had her voice back (literally) and sang a verse of a song which she had not been able to do "in forever". 

On the busy clinic days, little moments like these remind me what it's really all about and that what I do is by grace and not of my own power.

Thank you Doc for sharing your story with us!!  Readers--lets send a little love back to Dr. O in the comments!!  Who else LOVES their PCP?  Write away!! :-))



  1. Sometimes I think a Doc who listens and sees the person he is treating and not only the illness is the greatest gift!
    Thank you! Silvia

  2. Thank you for the story and your commitment to medicine. My primary care doctor sees me just once a year and yet I don't have to repeat myself - she remembers my history and still takes the time to listen if I have concerns.

  3. Does anyone have a PCP in Seattle who respects (rather than ridicules) a no-added-fat plant-based diet? I've been search for 5 years for one.


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