Thursday, December 22, 2011

Her Husband Had Six Skull Fractures & The Surgeon Took The Time To Make Them Feel Like They Were His Only Patients That Day!! The Holiday Happiness Marathon Continues!!

Welcome All My Guest Bloggers--Doctors, Nurses & Patients whose stories warm our hearts....Here is Another Story From a Patient!

My good experience with a doctor was when my husband had surgery on his face 2 yrs ago. He had a maxillofacial doctor who was amazing!  There was something unique about him from the very beginning; even his entrance to the hospital room was slow and relaxed. He really did make us feel like we were his only patients that day.  He never seemed to be in a hurry and he answered all of our questions.  I remember him explaining every detail of the surgery - so much to the point that I didn't even have many questions when he was done.  

He explained what the face was like to begin with - comparing it to a puzzle, then explained what the problems were, how he planned to correct it, how the material would affect him, and details after he healed...  

When you have a loved one you are worried about in the hospital bed, you're sleep deprived, and stressed.... you don't respond well to fast descriptions of tomorrows surgery.  I don't think he spent a huge amount of time with us..  It actually saved time because his first detailed run down saved all those questions and him having to repeat himself.  I think some patients/families will unknowingly ask repetitive questions simply because they just don't get it the first time around- and they are trying to figure it out.. 

Before the surgery the doctor seemed confident and patient.  He was reassuring and positive.  I remember not even feeling nervous in the waiting room.  Once we were home and went to his office for the follow up - again he was gave us everything we needed to know about the healing process.  I have to say he really made us all feel at ease.  

And of course, I can't leave out this part -his work was amazing - you would never know he had 6 skull fractures by looking at him.

Allison in Columbia, S.C.

Thank you Allison for sharing your story with us!! We love doctors who take the time to explain things to us!  Does anyone else have a similar experience with a kind doc?:-))


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